document listed at [SA] as:
27 June 1776 copy will (signed 19 Nov 1774)
of Col John Blennerhassett
Oak Park, Co.K[erry], formerly of Ballyseedy.
on the cover sheet in ink:
Copy of Col[one]l
John Blenerhassett’s
on the cover sheet in pencil:
In the name of God amen. I John
Blenerhassett late of Ballyseedy in the County of Kerry but now of Oak Park in the
said County Esquire being now in my senses and Health do make this my last Will
and Testament in manner following. Whereas I and my eldest son John
Blenerhassett esquire since deceased by our Deeds of lease and release bearing
date the third and fourth days of August one thousand seven hundred and thirty
Seven and duly executed pursuant to certain articles made on the Marriage of my
said son John with Ann Leslie since deceased widow of John Leslie late of Tarbert
have settled and conveyed the Lands and Tenements in the said Deeds of lease
and release mentioned, that is to say, all that and those the Mannors Lands
Tenements and Hereditaments herein after mentioned, that is to say, Bally=
=mac Elligott, East and West BallyMcThomas and Cloer Ellis, Ballycarty
and Droumavally, Gortatlea, Ballindoogane, Ballymountaine and so forth
Glanaginty Lands and Tenements about Ten acres in or near Tralee be it more
or less Annagarry church lands and the Mill and lands thereto adjoining.
Little Mannor Schahanaght and Cahirlaheen, Clohercade Mill & Lands
thereto belonging. Immalagh, Killguane, and Curraghmadonough
Knockavonane Glashoreague the moiety of the impropriate Tythes of
Ballyseedy Parish one Deed or Rent Charge of forty shillings sterling per
annum on the lands of Cahir Breagh, Ballyseedy lands and improvements
Urrohogall and Knockloghline Currins (Currans) and Curraghinore and all the
Estate right title claim and demand whatsoever of me the said John
Blenerhassett of in or to all and singular the said lands and premisses
or any part or parcell thereof and all remainder and remainders
reversion and reversions, Rents, Issues, profitts, and services of in or any
way’s appertaining to the said lands and premisses or any part or parcell
thereof all lying and being in the County of Kerry unto and upon the several
uses following, that is to say, among several other uses to the use of myself for
life subject to a yearly maintenance for my son John and a jointure for Ann
the then wife of said John and after my decease to the use of my said son John
for life[,] remainder to his eldest and every other son by said Ann his then
wife in Tail Male successively and in remainder one after another, remainder
J[oh]n Blenerhassett ( seal )
Tho[ma]s Connell
John Murphy
Fra[nci]s Meade
NOTE: The term jointure means the holding of an Estate by two or more persons in joint-tenancy
to his eldest and every other son by any other wife in Tail Male, remainder to me the
said John and my Heirs forever, and whereas all and singular the said lands in
the said Deeds of lease and release mentioned being vested in me in fee upon the
decease of my said son John without issue male in aforesaid. I the said John
Blenerhassett the Elder did by certain Deeds of lease and release bearing date
respectively the Twenty first and Twenty second days of December in the year of our
Lord one thousand seven hundred and fifty seven, the said deed of release
being made or mentioned to be made between me the said John Blenerhassett
of the one part William Blenerhassett of Elmgrove in the County of Kerry esq[ui]r[e]
and William Francis Crosbie of the City of Dublin Esq[ui]r[e] of the second part, John
Wren of Litter and Richard Chute of Tullygaron both in the said County of
Kerry Esquires of the third part and Arthur Blenerhassett second son of
me the said John Blenerhassett of the fourth part limitt my said reversion in
fee of and in the herein before mentioned lands and prem[is]es to the use of my
said second son Arthur Blenerhassett for and during the Term of his
natural life with remainder to the first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth,
seventh and every other son and sons of the Body of the said Arthur B[lener]hassett
begotten ^ or to be begotten and of the several Heirs Male of the respective Body and Bodys of all
& every such son and sons and for default of such issue remainder to me the
said John Blenerhassett and my right[ful] Heirs for ever as in the said Deed of
release is mentioned. And whereas all and singular the above mentioned
lands in the said Deeds also mentioned are vested in me in fee upon the
decease of my Grandson and heir at law John Blenerhassett the younger
only son of John Blenerhassett deceased and of my said son Arthur
Blenerhassett without issue male as aforesaid, my will and intent therefore
is to limitt and devise all and singular the said Lands Tenements
Hereditaments prem[is]es and all reversion and reversions remainder
and remainders and all other my Estate therein in the following
manner. I do therefore devise (in case my said Grandson John and my
said son Arthur shall die without issue male as aforesaid) all the said
Lands Tenements and Hereditaments to my Brother
J[oh]n Blenerhassett ( seal )
Tho[ma]s Connell
John Murphy
Fra[nci]s Meade
Thomas Blenerhassett for and during his natural life without impeachment
of waste subject to the payment of the sum of two thousand pounds ster[ling]
to my daughter Letitia and to be paid within twelve calendar months
after he shall be seized of the freehold of the said lands by virtue of the
limitations herein, and subject also to the payment of the further sum
of one thousand pounds sterling unto my grand daughter Frances
Blenerhassett on the day of her marriage without any interest in
the meantime provided she marries with the consent of my son
Arthur and my said daughter Letitia or the survivor of them, and from
and after the determination of ^ the said Estate so limitted to my said Brother
Thomas I give and devise all and singular the said lands hereditaments
and prem[is]es to Barry Denny of Tralee in the County of Kerry esq[ui]r[e] & his
Heirs during the life of my said Brother Thomas in Trust to preserve
the Contingent remainders herein after limitted, and after the decease
of my said Brother Thomas I devise all and singular the said lands
hereditaments and prem[is]es to Arthur Blenerhassett only son of the said
Thomas Blenerhassett for and during his natural life without
impeachment of waste, and from and after the determination of the
said Estate so limitted to the said Arthur I give and devise the said
lands hereditaments and prem[is]es to the said Barry Denny & his Heirs
during the life of the said Arthur on Trust to preserve the Contingent
remainders herein after limitted, and after the decease of the said
Arthur to the eldest and every other son and sons of the said Arthur
in Tail Male successively and in remainder one after another
according to their seniority and after the decease of the said Arthur
without issue male then to all and every other son and sons of my said
Brother Thomas in Tail Male successively and in remainder one
after another according to their seniority and for want of such issue
to my Brother William for and during his natural life
without impeachment of waste and after the determination of that
Estate to the said Barry Denny and his Heirs during the life of the s[ai]d William
J[oh]n Blenerhassett ( seal )
Tho[ma]s Connell
John Murphy
Fra[nci]s Meade
NOTE: Sir Barry Denny of Tralee, Co.Kerry (died 1794) was first baronet of Castle Moyle
and husband of Col. John Blennerhassett’s grand-daughter Jane Blennerhassett
on Trust to preserve the Contingent remainders herein after limitted
and after the decease of the said William, to William the eldest & only
son of the said William for and during his natural life without
impeachment of waste, remainder after the determination of that
Estate to the said Barry Denny and his Heirs during the life of
the said William on Trust to preserve the Contingent remainder
herein after limitted, and after the decease of the said William to John
the eldest son of the said last named William for and during his natural
life without impeachment of waste, remainder after the
determination of that Estate to the said Barry Denny & his Heirs
during the life of the said John in Trust to preserve the Contingent
remainders herein after limitted, and after the decease of the said
John to the eldest and every other son and sons of the said John lawfully
to be begotten in Tail Male successively in remainder one after
another, and for default of such issue to the second & every
other son and sons of my nephew the said William the Younger & to the
Heirs Male of the Body of such son and sons successively & in remainder
one after another according to their seniority & for default of such issue
to the second & every other son and sons of my said Brother William
lawfully to be begotten and to the Heirs Male of the Body of such second &
other sons successively & in remainder one after the other, the Eldest & the
Heirs Male of his Body being always preferred & to take before the younger
of such sons, and for default of such issue remainder to my kinsman
Conway Blenerhassett late of Castle Conway in the County of Kerry but now
of Kinsale in the County of Corke esquire during his natural life without
impeachment of waste subject to the payment of the further and
additional sum of three thousand pounds ster[ling], to be paid unto my
daughters Dame Agnes Denny, Arabella Blenerhassett and Mary Crosbie
equally to be devided between them share and share alike & also subject to
the payment of the further sum of two thousand pounds ster[ling] to be paid unto my
granddau[ghte]rs Jane and Julia Blenerhassett share & share alike both said sums
of three thousand pounds and two thousand pounds to be paid within twelve
calendar months after he shall be seized of the freehold of the said lands
hereditments and premesses by virtue of the limitations herein
& from & after the determination of the said Estate so limitted to my s[ai]d kinsman
J[oh]n Blenerhassett ( seal )
Tho[ma]s Connell
John Murphy
Fra[nci]s Meade
Conway Blenerhassett I devise all and singular the said lands hereditaments
and prem[is]es unto the said Barry Denny and his Heirs during the life of
the said Conway Blenerhassett on Trust to preserve the Contingent
remainders herein after limited, remainder after the decease of the s[ai]d
Conway Blenerhassett to John Blenerhassett eldest son of the said Conway
Blenerhassett during his natural life without impeachment of
Waste[,] remainder after the determination of that Estate to the said
Barry Denny and his Heirs during the life of the said John B[lene]rhassett
on Trust to preserve the Contingent remainders herein after limitted
and after the decease of the said John Blenerhassett to the eldest and
every other son and sons of the said John Blenerhassett lawfully to
be begotten in Tail Male successively in remainder one after another
the Eldest and the Heirs Male of his Body being always preferred
and to take before the younger of such sons[,] remainder to Harman
Blenerhassett second son of the said Conway Blenerhassett during his
natural life without impeachment of waste, remainder after the
determination of that Estate to the said Barry Denny and his Heirs
for and during the life of the said Harman Blenerhassett on Trust to
preserve the Contingent remainders herein after limitted, remainder
after the decease of the said Harman Blenerhassett to the eldest and every other son
and sons of the said Harman Blenerhassett lawfully to be begotten
in Tail Male successively and in remainder one after another,
remainder to the third and every other son and sons of the said
Conway Blenerhassett and to the Heirs Male of the Body of such
third and other son and sons successively and in remainder
one after another the Eldest & the Heirs Male of his Body being
always preferred and to take before the younger of such sons,
remainder to Thomas Blenerhassett of Tralee nephew to the said
Conway Blenerhassett during his natural life without
impeachment of waste[,] remainder after the deter-
mination of that Estate to the said Barry Denny & his Heirs during
J[oh]n Blenerhassett ( seal )
Tho[ma]s Connell
John Murphy
Fra[nci]s Meade
the life of the said Thomas Blenerhassett in Trust to preserve the
Contingent remainders herein after limited, remainder after the
decease of the said Thomas Blenerhassett to the eldest & every other son
& sons of the said Thomas Blenerhassett lawfully to be begotten in Tail
Male successively and in remainder one after another, remainder
to Conway Blenerhassett Brother to the said Thomas Blenerhassett
for and during his natural life without impeachment of waste
remainder after the determination of that Estate to the said Barry
Denny and his Heirs during the life of the said Conway Blenerhassett
on Trust to preserve the Contingent remainders herein after limited,
remainder after the decease of the said Conway Blennerhassett
to the eldest and every other son and sons of the said Conway
Blenerhassett lawfully to be begotten in Tail Male successively
and in remainder one after another, remainder to my kinsman
Arthur Blenerhassett of Tralee uncle to the last named
Conway Blenerhassett for and during his natural life without
impeachment of waste, remainder after the determination of
that Estate to the said Barry Denny and his Heirs during the
life of the said Arthur Blenerhassett on Trust to preserve the
cointingent remainders herein after limited, remainder after the
decease of the said Arthur Blenerhassett to the eldest and every other son &
sons of the said Arthur Blenerhassett lawfully to be begotten in Tail
Male successively and in remainder one after another, remainder to
my kinsman the Rev[eren]d John Blenerhassett of Tralee in the County of Kerry
Clerke for and during his natural life without impeachment of
Waste[,] remainder after the determination of that Estate to the said
Barry Denny & his Heirs during the life of the said John
Blenerhassett on Trust to preserve the Contingent remainders herein
after limited[,] remainder to Edward Blenerhassett eldest son of the
said John Blenerhassett during his natural life without impeachment
of waste[,] remainder after the determination of that Estate to the said
Barry Denny and his Heirs during the life of the s[ai]d Edw[ar]d B[lener]hassett on Trust
to preserve the Contingent remainders herein after limited, remainder after
J[oh]n Blenerhassett ( seal )
Tho[ma]s Connell
John Murphy
the decease of the said Edward Blenerhassett to the eldest and every other
son and sons of the said Edward Blenerhassett lawfully to be begotten in Tale
Male successively and in remainder one after another, remainder to
Thomas Blenerhassett second son of the said Rev[eren]d John Blenerhassett for
and during his natural life without impeachment of waste, remainder
after the determination of that Estate to the said Barry Denny and his
Heirs during the life of the said Thomas Blenerhassett on Trust to preserve the
Contingent remainders herein after limitted, remainder after the decease
of the said Thomas Blenerhassett to the eldest and every other son & heir
of the said Thomas Blenerhassett lawfully to be begotten in Tail Male
successively and in remainder one after another, remainder to John
Blenerhassett third son of the said Reverened John Blenerhassett for and
during his natural life without impeachment of waste, remainder after
the determination of the Estate to the said Barry Denny and his
Heirs during the life of the said John Blennerhassett on Trust to
preserve the Contingent remainders herein after limitted, remainder
after the decease of the said John Blenerhassett the Younger to the
eldest and every other son and sons of the said John Blennerhassett
lawfully to be begotten in Tail Male successively and in remainder
one after another, and after the decease of the said John Blenerhassett
without Issue Male as aforesaid then remainder to the forth and
every son and sons of the said Reverend John Blenerhassett to be
begotten in Tail Male successively and in remainder one after
another accordingly to their seniority, and for want of such issue rem[ainde]r to
the Rev[eren]d Conway Blenerhassett next Brother to the said Rev[eren]d John
Blenerhassett for and during his natural life without impeach=
=ment of waste, remainder after the determination of that Estate to
the said Barry Denny and his Heirs during the life of the said Conway
Blenerhassett on Trust to preserve the Contingent remainders herein
after limitted, remainder after the decease of the said Conway B[lener]hassett
to the eldest & every other son & sons of the said Conway Blenerhassett
lawfully to be begotten in Tail Male successively & in remainder one
after another - Remainder to Robert Blenerhassett
J[oh]n Blenerhassett ( seal )
Tho[ma]s Connell
John Murphy
Fra[nci]s Meade
youngest Brother of said Reverend John Blenerhassett for and during his
natural life without impeachment of waste remainder after the
determination of the Estate to the said Barry Denny and his Heirs
during the life of the said Robert Blenerhassett on Trust to preserve the
Contingent remainders herein after limited, remainder after the decease
of the said Robert Blenerhassett to the eldest and every other son and sons of
the said Robert Blenerhassett lawfully to be begotten in Tail Male
successively and in remainder one after another, and after the decease
of the said Robert Blenerhassett without issue Male then remainder to
my kinsman William Blennerhassett of Ballinagar in the County of Kerry
Gent[leman] for and during his natural life without impeachment of waste,
remainder after the determination of that Estate to the said Barry
Denny and his Heirs during the life of the said William Blenerhassett
on Trust to preserve the Contingent remainders herein after limited,
remainder after the decease of the said William Blenerhassett to the
eldest and every other son and sons of the said William Blenerhassett
lawfully to be begotten in Tail Male successively and in remainder
one after another, and for want of such issue then remainder to
Arthur Blenerhassett Brother of the said William Blenerhassett
for and during his natural life without impeachment of waste,
remainder after the determination of that Estate to the said Barry
Denny and his Heirs during the life of the said Arthur
Blenerhassett on Trust to preserve the Contingent remainders
herein after limitted, remainder after the decease of the s[ai]d Arthur
Blenerhassett to the eldest and every other son and sons of the said
Arthur Blenerhassett ^ lawfully to be begotten in Tail Male successively and in rem[ainde]r
one after another, remainder to my kinsman Rowland
Blenerhassett of Tralee Esqr: for and during his natural life
without impeachment of waste, remainder after the determination
of that Estate to the said Barry Denny and his Heirs during the
life of the said Rowland Blenerhassett on Trust to preserve
the Contingent rem[ainde]rs herein after limitted, rem[ainde]r to Robert B[lener]hassett eldest
J[oh]n Blenerhassett ( seal )
Tho[ma]s Connell
John Murphy
Fra[nci]s Meade
son of the said Rowland Blenerhassett for and during his natural life
without impeachment of waste, remainder after the determination of
that Estate to the said Barry Denny and his Heirs during the life of the
said Robert Blenerhassett on Trust to preserve the contingent remainders
herein after limited, remainder after the decease of the said Robert
Blenerhassett to the eldest and every other son and sons of the said Robert
Blenerhassett lawfully to be begotten in Tale male successively & in rem[ainde]r
one after another, remainder to Richard Blenerhassett second son of the
said Rowland Blenerhassett for and during his natural life without
impeachment of waste, remainder after the determination of that
Estate to the said Barry Denny and his Heirs during the life of
the said Richard Blenerhassett on Trust to preserve the Contingent
remainders herein after limitted, remainder after the decease of the
said Richard Blenerhassett to the eldest and every other son & sons of the ^ said Richard Blenerhassett
lawfully to be begotten in Tail male successively and in remainder
one after another and for default of such issue remainder to the third
and every other son and sons of the said Rowland Blenerhassett lawfully
to be begotten, and to the Heirs Male of the Body of such third and every other
son and sons successively and in remainder one after the other the Eldest
and the Heirs Male of his Body being always preferred and to take before
the younger of such son and sons, remainder to Arthur Blenerhassett
Brother of the said Rowland Blenerhassett for and during his natural
life without impeachmant of waste[,] remainder after the determin[atio]n
of that Estate to the said Barry Denny and his Heirs during the
life of the said Arthur Blenerhassett on Trust to preserve ^ the contingent
remainders herein after limitted, remainder to Robert Blenerhassett
eldest son of the said Arthur Blenerhassett for and during his natural
life without impeachment of waste, remainder after the determination
of that Estate to the said Barry Denny and his Heirs during the life
of the said Robert Blenerhassett on Trust to preserve the contingent
remainders herein after limitted and after the decease of the said Rob[er]t
Blenerhassett to the eldest & every other son & sons of the said Robert B[lener]hassett
J[oh]n Blenerhassett ( seal )
Tho[ma]s Connell
John Murphy
Fra[nci]s Meade
lawfully to be begotten in Tail Male successively and in remainder
one after another according to their seniority, and for want of such issue
remainder to the second and every other son and sons of the said Arthur
Blenerhassett lawfully to be begotten and to the Heirs Male of the Body
of such second and other son and sons successively and in remainder one
after another the Eldest and the Heirs Male of his Body being always
preferred and to take before the younger of such son and sons, remainder to
my kinsman Samuel Blenerhassett of Tralee for and during his natural
life without impeachment of waste, remainder after the determination
of that Estate to the said Barry Denny and his Heirs during the life of
the said Samuel Blenerhassett on Trust to preserve the contingent
remainders herein after limited, remainder to Henry Blennerhassett
only son of the said Samuel Blennerhassett for and during his natural life
without impeachment of waste, remainder after the determination of that
Estate to the said Barry Denny and his Heirs during the life of the said
Henry Blennerhassett on Trust to preserve the contingent remainders herein
after limited, remainder to John Blenerhassett eldest son of the said Henry
Blenerhassett for and during his natural life without impeachment of
Waste, remainder after the determination of that Estate to the said Barry
Denny and his Heirs during the life of the said John Blenerhassett
on Trust to preserve the contingent remainders herein after limited,
remainder after the decease of the said John Blenerhassett to the eldest
and every other son and sons of the said John Blenerhassett lawfully
to be begotten in Tail Male successively ^ and in remainder one after another according to
their seniority, and for default of such issue remainder to Francis Edward
Blenerhassett second son of the said Henry Blenerhassett for and during
his natural life without impeachment of waste, remainder after
the determination of that Estate to the said Barry Denny and his
Heirs during the life of the said Francis Edward Blenerhassett on Trust
to preserve the contingent rem[ainde]rs herein after limited, remainder after the
decease of the said Fra[nci]s Edw[ar]d B[lener]hassett to the eldest and every other
J[oh]n Blenerhassett ( seal )
Tho[ma]s Connell
John Murphy
Fra[nci]s Meade
son and sons of the said Francis Edward Blenerhassett lawfully to be begotten
in Tail Male successively and in remainder one after the other, and for default
of such issue remainder to the third and every other son and sons of the said
Henry Blenerhassett and to the Heirs Male of the Body of such third & every
other son and sons successively and in remainder one after another, the
Eldest and the Heirs Male of his Body to be always preferred and to take
before the younger of such son and sons, and for default of such issue rem[ainde]r
to the second and every other son and sons of the said Samuel Blenerhassett
lawfully to be begotten and to the Heirs Male of the Body of such second &
other son and sons successively and in remainder one after another the
Eldest & the Heirs Male of his Body being always preferred and to take
before the younger of such son and sons, remainder to Richard
Blenerhassett of Tralee Brother of the said Samuel Blenerhassett for &
during his natural life without impeachmant of waste, remainder
after the determination of that Estate to the said Barry Denny and his
Heirs during the life of the said Richard Blenerhassett on Trust to preserve
the contingent remainders herein after limitted, remainder to Richard
Blenerhassett the Younger only son of the said Richard Blenerhassett the
Elder for and during his natural life without impeachment of
waste, remainder after the determination of that estate to the
said Barry Denny and his Heirs during the life of the said Richard
Blenerhasssett the Younger on Trust to preserve the contingent rem[ainde]rs
herein after limitted, remainder after the decease of the said Richard
Blenerhassett the Younger to the eldest and every other son and sons of the
Said Richard Blenerhassett the Younger lawfully to be begotten in Tail
Male successively and in remainder one after another, and for default
of such issue remainder to the second and every other son and sons of the
said Richard Blenerhassett the Elder lawfully to be begotten, and to the
Heirs Male of the Body of such second and other son and sons successively
& in remainder one after another the Eldest and the Heirs Male of his Body
J[oh]n Blenerhassett ( seal )
Tho[ma]s Connell
John Murphy
Fra[nci]s Meade
being always preferred and to take before the younger of such son and sons[,]
remainder to my kinsman Gerald Blenerhassett of Riddlestown in the
County of Limerick Esq[ui]r[e] for and during his natural life without
impeachment of waste, remainder after the determination of that Estate
to the said Barry Denny and his Heirs during the life of the said
Gerald Blenerhassett on Trust to preserve the contingent remainders
herein after limitted, remainder to Arthur Blenerhassett the only
son of the said Gerald Blenerhassett for and during his natural life
without impeachment of waste, remainder after the determination
of that Estate to the said Barry Denny and his Heirs during the life
of the said Arthur Blenerhassett on Trust to preserve the contingent
remainders herein after limitted, remainder after the decease of the
said Arthur Blenerhassett to the eldest and every other son and sons of
the said Arthur Blenerhassett lawfully to be begotten in Tail Male
successively and in remainder one after another, and for default of such
issue remainder to the second and every other son and sons of the said
Gerald Blenerhassett lawfully to be begotten and ^ to the Heirs Male of the
Body of such second and other son and sons successively and in remainder
one after another the Eldest and the Heirs Male of his Body ^ being always
preferred and to take before the younger of such son and sons, remainder
to my four Daughters and three Grand Daughters namely Dame
Agnes Denny otherwise Blenerhassett, Arabella Blenerhassett, Letitia
Blenerhassett and Mary Crosbie otherwise Blenerhassett, Frances
Blenerhassett, Jane Blenerhassett and Julia Blenerhassett and the
Heirs of their respective Bodies begotten and to be begotten as Tenants
in Common, remainder to my own right[ful] Heirs, provided always
that it shall and maybe lawfull for every person and persons successively
and in remainder one after another as they shall become seized of
the freehold of the said lands by virtue of the limitations herein
mentioned to (sett or demise ?) said lands (the mansion house of Ballyseedy
& the Demesne thereunto belonging & now in my possession excepted) for any
J[oh]n Blenerhassett ( seal )
Tho[ma]s Connell
John Murphy
Fra[nci]s Meade
not exceeding three lives of thirty one years in possession and not in reversion
at the full improved rent and to settle any sinicure on any wife or wives not
exceeding two hundred pounds sterling a year, and to make a provision
for younger children Daughter or Daughters not exceeding one thousand
pounds sterling, and I do hearby impower my said Brother Thomas and
his son the said Arthur and my said Brother William and his said son the
said William and his son the said John respectively and every other person or
persons to whom subsequent rem[ainde]rs of the said lands and prem[is]es are herein
limitted that being seized of the prem[is]es respectively by virtue of the
limitations aforesaid, they the said Thomas, Arthur his son, William my
Brother, William his son and John his son may respectively and all
other person or persons respectively who may be seized of the freehold
of ^ the said lands by virtue of the limitations aforesaid may by mortgage
in fee or otherwise or by sale of the said lands or of a competent part
thereof (the Mansion House and Demesne Lands of Ballyseedy being
always excepted) raise the aforesaid sum of two thousand pounds
sterling & as aforesaid devised to my said Daughter Letitia, and the
said sum of One Thousand Pounds so as aforesaid devised to my
said Grand Daughter Frances to be paid to her as aforesaid on her
day of marriage with such consent aforesaid, my intent being that the
said sum of one thousand pounds so devised to my said Grand Dau[ghte]r
Frances shall sink in the inheritance of said lands in case she shall
marry without such consent as aforesaid, and I do hearby impower my
kinsman the said Conway Blennerhassett of Kinsale, John Blenerhassett
and Harman Blenerhassett ^ his sons and the several other persons to
whom subsequent remainders are herein limitted of the said lands &
prem[is]es that being respectively seized of the freehold of the said prem[is]es by
virtue of the limitation aforesaid they the said Conway Blenerhassett,
John Blenerhassett and Harman Blenerhassett, his sons & the respective other persons
to whom subsequent remaind[e]rs are so limitted may respectively raise ^ as well the afores[ai]d sums of
two thousand pounds and one thousand pounds so as aforesaid
J[oh]n Blenerhassett ( seal )
Tho[ma]s Connell
John Murphy
Fra[nci]s Meade
devised to my daughter Letitia and Grand Daughter Frances if not then
already raised as also the said sums of three thousand pounds so as
aforesaid devised to my Dau[ghte]rs Dame Agnes Denny, Arabella B[lener]hassett
and Mary Crosbie, and the said sum of two thousand pounds so as
aforesaid devised to my Grand Dau[ghte]rs Jane and Julia Blenerhassett
by sale or mortgage in fee or otherwise of the said lands of a competent
part thereof (the Mansion House ^ of Ballyseedy and ^ the demesne lands thereunto belong[ing]
and now in my possession being always excepted) and I do hearby
impower my said son Arthur Blenerhassett that being seized of the
freehold of said lands under the limitations thereof to him made
in and by the said recited Deed of the twenty second day of December
in the year One Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifty Seven to Lett or
(denues ?) the said lands (the Mansion House of Ballyseedy and the said
Demesne lands thereunto belonging being only excepted)
for any term not exceeding three lives or thirty one years in possession
& not in reversion at the full improved rent and I do hearby
appointt the sum of five hundred pounds ster[ling] for my Daughter the
said Letitia as her share or proportion of the sum of
two thousand pounds ster[ling], provided for my younger children in &
by a certain Indenture or Deed bearing date the thirtieth day of
October in the year one thousand seven hundred and thirteen
made previous to my intermarriage with her mother, and do charge
all the lands in the said Deed mentioned being the prem[is]es herein limitted
with the same, and I do appoint the sum of five hundred pounds ster[ling]
for my said Daughter Letitia as her proportion of the sum of fifteen
hundred pounds ster[ling] which by the said indenture of the twenty second
day of December in the year one thousand seven hundred & fifty seven
I am impowered to charge on the lands therein mentioned for the use of
my said Daughter Mary Crosbie and my said Daughter Letitia, and I do
charge the said lands in the s[ai]d Deed mentioned which were agreed to be made
subject thereto with the said sum of five hundred pounds for the use of my said dau[ghte]r
Letitia, And whereas I apprehend that by the will of my kinsman
J[oh]n Blenerhassett ( seal )
Tho[ma]s Connell
John Murphy
Fra[nci]s Meade
John Rogers Esquire deceased I am intitled to a remainder in fee or some
other Estate of and in the lands tenements hereditaments & premisses
whereof the said John Rogers died seized possessed or intitled to some part
or parts thereof expectant upon the contingencies or events in the said
will mentioned. I do therefore devise the lands tenements hereditaments
& prem[is]es whereof the said John Rogers ^ so died seized possessed of or intitled
unto and all my Estate reversion and remainder therein unto my son
Arthur Blenerhassett for and during his natural life without
impeachment of waste and after the determination of the said Estate
so limitted to my son Arthur, I give and devise all and singular the
said lands tenements hereditaments and prem[is]es and my Estate
reversion and remainder thereunto John Healy (Leahy? Sealy?) of Maglass in the
County of Kerry Esquire and his Heirs during the life of the said Arthur
on Trust to preserve the contingent remainder herein after limitted
and after the decease of my said son Arthur I devise all & singular
the said lands tenements hereditaments and prem[is]es and all my Estate
reversion and remainder therein to his eldest and every other son
in Tail Male successively and in remainder one after another
according to their seniority and for default of such issue I devise the
said lands tenements hereditaments and prem[is]es to my Brother
Thomas Blenerhassett during his natural life without impeachment
of waste and from and after the determination of the said Estate
so limitted to my said Brother Thomas, I devise all & singular the
said lands tenements hereditaments and prem[is]es and all my Estate
revision and remainder therein to the said John Healy (Leahy? Sealy?) and his Heirs
during the life of the said Thomas on Trust to preserve the contingent
remainders herein after limitted and after the decease of the said
Thomas to Arthur the son of the said Thomas for & during his natural
life without impeachment of waste and after the determ[inatio]n
of that Estate to the said John Healy (Leahy? Sealy?) and his Heirs during
the life of the said Arthur on Trust to preserve the contingent rem[ainde]rs
J[oh]n Blenerhassett ( seal )
Tho[ma]s Connell
John Murphy
Fra[nci]s Meade
NOTE: John Healy (Leahy? Sealy?) of Maglass, Co.Kerry was ?????????
herein after limited, and after the decease of the said Arthur to the
Eldest and every other son and sons of the said Arthur in Tail Male
successively and in remainder one after another, and after the
decease of the said Arthur without issue male then to every other
son and sons of the said Thomas in Tail Male successively & in
remainder one after another according to their seniority, and
for want of such issue to my Brother William for and during his
natural life without impeachment of waste, remainder after
the determination of that estate to the said John Healy (Leahy? Sealy?) & his Heirs
during the life of the said William on Trust to preserve the contingent
remainders herein after limitted and after the decease of the said
William to William the Eldest son of the said William for and
during his natural life without impeachment of waste rem[ainde]r after
the determination of that Estate to the said John Healy (Leahy? Sealy?) and his Heirs
during the life of the said William the younger on Trust to preserve
the contingent remainders herein after limitted, and after the
decease of the said William to John the eldest son of the s[ai]d William
for and during his natural life without impeachment of waste,
remainder after the determination of that Estate to the said John
John Healy (Leahy? Sealy?) & his Heirs during the life of the said John on Trust to preserve
the contingent remainders herein after limitted, and after the
decease of the said John to the eldest and every other son & sons of the
said John lawfully to be begotten in Tail Male successively & in
remainder one after another, and for default of such issue
to the second and every other son & sons of the said William the younger
lawfully begotten or to be begotten and to the Heirs Male of the Body
of such second and other sons successively and in rem[ainde]r one after
another the Eldest and the Heirs Male of his Body being always preferred
& to take before the younger of such sons and for default of such issue
to the second and every other son and sons of my said Brother William
lawfully begotten or to be begotten & to the Heirs Male of the Body of
such second and other sons successively and in rem[ainde]r one after
another the Eldest & the Heirs Male of his Body being always preferred & to
J[oh]n Blenerhassett ( seal )
Tho[ma]s Connell
John Murphy
Fra[nci]s Meade
take before the younger of such sons, rem[ainde]r to my four Daughters
and three Grand Daughters namely Dame Agnes Denny otherwise B[lener]hassett,
Arabella Blenerhassett, Letitia Blenerhassett, Mary Crosbie otherwise
Blenerhassett, Frances Blenerhassett, Jane Blenerhassett & Julia
Blenerhassett and the Heirs of their respective Bodies begotten
as Tenants in Common, remainder to my own right[ful] Heirs provided
always that it shall and may be lawfull for every person & persons
successively and in remainder one after another as they shall
become seised of the freehold of the said lands by virtue of the limitations
herein mentioned to set or devise the said lands for any Term not
exceeding three lives or thirty one years in possession and not in
reversion at the full improved rent, I do devise and Bequeath
unto my said Daughter Letitia Blenerhassett all the rest residue &
remainder of my Estate both real and personal of what kind or nature
[Lever?] that I shall die seised or possessed of, she paying thereout all my
just debts and defraying my funeral expences, but my intention is
that she shall not thereout pay any Debt or Debts which, by the deeds
writings and agreements entered into between me and my son Arthur,
he the said Arthur is bound or contracted ^ to pay for me, and I do hearby
nominate and appoint my said Daughter Letitia Blenerhassett as
Executrix of this my will ^ hearby revoking & making void all other former
Will or Wills by me made hereby declaring this to be ^ my only & last Will
& Testament in witness whereof I have hereunto and to a Duplicate
hereof set my hand and affixed my seal this nineteenth day
of November in the year of our Lord God One Thousand Seven
Hundred and Seventy Four -
Signed Sealed and published by the above named John
Blenerhassett (and which contains seventeen sheets of
paper written on one side only) in the presence of us
who have likewise subscribed our names as witnesses
hereto in his presence & in the presence of each other
Tho[ma]s Connell
John Murphy
Fra[nci]s Meade |
} |
J[oh]n Blenerhassett ( seal ) |
Entered in the Office of His
Ma[jes]ties Auditor Gen[era]l 27 June 1776 |
} |
A True Copy by me compared with the original
This 27[t]h day of June 1776 S[a]m[uel] Bawer |
} |
Robt. Waller
Dip: Aud: Giet:(?) |